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Welcome Back!

"If you find yourself saying 'But I can't speak English...', try adding the word '...yet'" - Jane Revell & Susan Norman / Photo by Melody Campbell

Nossas aulas começaram na semana passada e esperamos que todos tenham aproveitado bastante as férias para recarregar as energias! Esse semestre, começaremos com uma novidade: ao invés dos blogs dos professores, teremos páginas no Facebook para cada professor. Você pode acessar a página do seu professor clicando no nome do seu professor menu da coluna da esquerda. Não é necessário estar no Facebook para poder acompanhar a página do seu professor – as páginas são públicas e qualquer um, com ou sem conta no Facebook, pode acessar. No entanto, se você já está no Facebook e quer receber as atualizações em sua própria página, basta “curtir” ou “like” a página do seu professor. Ah, e não se esqueça que também estamos com a nossa página no Facebook, e também temos nossa conta no Twitter. Tudo isso para que você não perca nenhuma notícia sobre o Atlantic Idiomas. Mais uma coisa: se você tiver alguma dúvida, sugestão, ou crítica, estamos em todos esses canais para facilitar sua interação conosco para que possamos melhorar a cada dia. O Atlantic Idiomas está ao seu alcance para oferecer um curso ainda melhor para você!

É Americano ou é Britânico?

Quem nunca viu colour escrito assim e pensou que estava errado? Ou então olhou para o pobre do realize e pensou: “Ahn? Com ‘z’?  Ou pior: quem nunca se perguntou como que faz pra saber se colour tem esse ‘u’ aí ou não ou se organize é com ‘z’ ou com ‘s’. Difícil isso, não?

A resposta é bem mais simples do que você imagina: inglês americano x inglês britânico! Mas qual é qual? Você sabe? Bom, a gente te ajuda!

  • Alguns verbos terminados em -l, no inglês britânico, têm essa consoante dobrada quando são modificados por sufixos.  Já no inglês americano isso não acontece.

travelled – travelling – traveller (UK) –> traveled – traveling – traveler (US) cancelled – cancelling (UK) –> canceled – canceling (US) Outros exemplo: dial, equal, signal, model, level, etc.

  • O particípio passado  do verbo get é diferente em inglês britânico e americano.

get – got – got (UK) –> get – got – gotten (US)

  • Verbos que terminam em -ize (UK & US) podem ser grafados com -se em inglês britânico.

organize –> organise (UK) realize –> realise (UK) analyze –> analyse (UK)

  • Alguns verbos que, quando no passado terminam em  -ed (UK & US), podem ser escritos com -t em inglês britânico.

learned –> learnt (UK) spelled –> spelt (UK) spoiled –> spoilt (UK)

  • Além disso, existe a questão de escolha de palavras. Algumas palavras são típicas de inglês britânico e outras de americano. Já reparou?

racksack (UK) –> backpack (US) crisps (UK) –> chips (US) queue (UK) –> line (US) lorry (UK) –> truck (UK) couch (UK) –> bus (UK) trousers (UK) –> pants (US)

Essas são apenas algumas diferenças entre inglês britânico e americano. Para saber mais confira o vídeo abaixo.

Melhorias à vista! – Parte 2

Para onde quer que olhemos hoje em dia, vemos gente com fones de ouvindo. Na academia, andando pela rua, no ônibus e até na aula (que feio, gente!) vemos as pessoas ouvindo música. A paixão por música é tão grande que quase todos os alunos, quando pedidos para listarem coisas sem as quais não viveriam, colocam música no topo da lista.

Sabendo disso e vendo que a maioria das músicas que vocês escutam são em inglês, pensamos: “Por que não usar isso como uma maneira de aprender mais sobre o idioma?”

Músicas são uma maneira excelente de entender como funciona o ritmo da língua. Sabe aquela histórias dos ups and downs da entonação? Então! As músicas mostram como isso acontece na prática! Isso sem falar que é uma das melhores maneiras de melhorar sua pronúncia, não é mesmo? Ouvir e repetir o que você ouve: esse é o segredo da boa pronúncia!

Só que não vale fazer barulho! Você precisa entender o que você está falando para poder articular os sons corretamente. Não vale colocar um embromation qualquer no meio da frase porque você não entendeu o que o cantor falou, hein. Por isso, recomendamos que você procure as lyrics das músicas que vocês gostam de cantar. Assim, você não faz feio na hora de impressionar os amigos e ainda tem uma bela oportunidade de associar a letra escrita à cantada. Além disso, você pode analisar o contexto em que palavras novas estão inseridas e ver na prática como as estruturas gramaticais que vocês estudam são empregadas do cotidiano da língua.

É, galera, escutar música também faz parte do seu trabalho como  aluno e é uma oportunidade de você se manter em contato com o inglês. Como falamos no outro post, nada melhor que ouvidos bem treinados e bem abertos!

No vídeo abaixo, o professor incentiva você a ir além e tentar tocar violão além de cantar. O que você acha da proposta dele? Topa o desafio?

Melhorias à vista! – Parte 1

Quase todos os dias é possível ver alunos de inglês de todas as idades preocupados em como melhorar as oral skills deles. Seja a pronúncia, o vocabulário, a fluência… Todo mundo quer sempre falar melhor, mais bonito.É ou não é? Quem assiste filme aí e fica com vontade de falar que nem os nativos? Ah, todo mundo, né?

Pensando nisso e sabendo que quase todos (se não todos) vocês são espectadores assíduos de seriados e filmes estrangeiros, essa semana trazemos para vocês uma série de dicas que podem tornar esses momentos de ócio em frente à telinha em preciosas oportunidades de aprendizagem.

A primeira coisa que você tem fazer é ter em mente que é preciso prestar bastante atenção no que se é falado. Sons, entonação, ritmo, sotaque, tudo isso fica mais fácil de entender e de perceber se você estiver atento às nuances da língua e de ouvidos bem abertos ao que as pessoas estão falando. Além disso, é muito mais fácil entender como funcionam as estruturas gramaticais que vocês estudam em sala quando vocês conseguem vê-las sendo aplicadas na prática, no dia-a-dia de um nativo. Concorda?

Também é importante associar as legendas (sim, elas ajudam e muito!) ao que é falado. Uma brincadeira divertidíssima é ver se elas foram traduzidas corretamente do inglês para o português. Já prestaram atenção a isso? Outra alternativa é usar as legendas em inglês. Assim, você consegue associar sons a imagens visuais. Fazer isso melhora muito o vocabulário e qualquer um fica feliz de pensar “Ah, quer dizer que é assim que se escreve isso?”

Mais uma dica excelente é ter sempre um caderno ou bloquinho à mão quando você está vendo TV. Aí, quando você se deparar com alguma palavra ou expressão nova, você pode anotá-la, criando uma espécie de dicionário seu. Mas é importante você anotar também o contexto em que a palavra foi usada. Só assim você vai realmente entender como ela ocorre na língua e vai poder de fato se apropriar dela.

Bom, essas são algumas dicas de como utilizar o tempo que vocês dedicam à TV para melhorar seu inglês. Para saber mais, não deixe de assistir o vídeo abaixo!

E aí? Você já faz alguma dessas coisas que a gente sugeriu? Tem alguma outra dica que funciona para você e que você gostaria de dividir com a gente? Escreve um comentário!

The Royal Week – Part 2

Finalmente está chegando o grande dia. O mundo vai parar por algumas horas para testemunhar a união do Príncipe William com a plebeia Catherine Middleton. O tão aguardado e comentado casamento promete ser uma das maiores celebrações que a família real já promoveu e todo mundo quer estar por dentro dos detalhes.

O que vão comer os ilustres convidados? Quem foi e quem não foi convidado? Como vão se vestir? Tudo em um casamento de tamanha grandeza chama atenção, mas quão diferente de um casamento normal é um da realeza?

Complete o texto abaixo com as palavras que estão faltando para saber mais sobre a festança. Ah, e muito cuidado para não cair da cadeira, viu?

When Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former President Bill Clinton and current Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, wed investment banker Marc Mezvinsky __________ July 31, 2010, it was dubbed the wedding of the year, the decade, the century even. But that was four months __________ Prince William proposed to Kate Middleton. So how does last year’s “wedding of the century” compare to __________ year’s “wedding of the century”?

How They Met
Chelsea and Mark first met as teenagers __________ a political retreat (Mark’s parents are former Democratic members of Congress). They both went __________ to attend Stanford University, but did not begin dating until years later, after Chelsea ended her relationship __________ Ian Klaus.

Across the pond, William and Kate (a small-town girl from Bucklebury) met __________ the University of St. Andrews in Scotland in 2001. The college friendship developed into an eight-year relationship __________ included some break-ups along the way.

The Proposals
__________ the Thanksgiving holiday in 2009, Mark proposed __________ Chelsea in New York. The pair shared the news __________ friends and family via a low-key email: “We’re sorry for the mass email but we wanted to wish everyone a belated Happy Thanksgiving! We also wanted to share that we are engaged!”

In October 2010, __________ on a 10-day trip in Kenya, Africa, William asked for Kate’s hand __________ marriage. Clarence House officially announced the engagement with a flashy photo op and TV interview the following month.

The Costs

The first-family wedding, __________ was held at Astor Courts, a private estate in Rhinebeck, New York, was described __________ townspeople as a “royal” event and the Clintons as our Windsor clan. “We love [Bill Clinton]… We wish them well. It’s royalty. It’s our royalty,” New York state resident Arlene Newman told The New York Times.

The affair reportedly cost __________$3 to $5 million. That hefty price tag included $750,000 for catering, $11,000 for a gluten-free cake (Chelsea’s allergic), $15,000 for fancy toilets, $500,000 for flowers, $200,000 for extra security (paid for __________ the Clintons) and $600,000 for air-conditioned tents, among other expenses. Plus, a Federal Aviation Administration-enforced no-fly zone was __________ effect for the area.

ALL the Royal Wedding Ceremony Details

William and Kate’s nuptials take the wedding cake __________ it comes to expenses though. On April 29, they will say their “I do’s” in Westminster Abbey, __________ a regal reception to follow at Buckingham Palace for the estimated princely sum of $34 million. The bulk of the cost is going __________ security ($32 million), which British taxpayers will pay.

Officials have warned __________ a terrorist attack is “highly likely.” The Irish Republican Army (IRA) is believed to be behind the alleged threats. __________ other groups, from Islamist militants to anti-capitalist protesters, have also threatened to commit acts __________ violence. The increased safety measures mean more man hours and added costs.

As __________ the remaining bills, two receptions come to $600,000; a fruity wedding cake, $80,000; flowers, $800,000 and clean-up, $64,000 (which will also be footed __________ taxpayers).

To help __________ some of the charges, the bride’s parents forked over a six-figure amount, Vanity Fair reported.
The Gowns
__________ the ceremony, Chelsea wore a strapless Vera Wang gown with a raw-edged silk organza skirt, __________ featured a beaded waistband. __________ the reception, she switched into a silk tulle Grecian gown with a grosgrain black belt created __________ the designer (__________ also attended the wedding).

The details of Kate’s dress are still a bit __________ a mystery. Sophie Cranston, Jasper Conran, Alice Temperley, Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen and Bruce Oldfield have all been named as possible dressmakers.

The Guests

Chelsea enacted a “no-strangers policy” __________ her Rhinebeck reception, __________ was limited to approximately 400 guests. Celebrities were kept __________ a minimum. Oprah and Barbra Streisand were not invited, __________ long-time family friends Ted Danson and wife Mary Steenburgen did make the cut, __________ with political allies, such as former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and the bride and groom’s college and work friends.

As __________ this week’s festivities, 1,900 onlookers will be in the Abbey pews, including David and Victoria Beckham, Elton John, lots of foreign royals and dignitaries and the couple’s families and friends. Plus, two billion folks –a record-breaking number of eyeballs — are expected __________ tune in to watch the first “people’s royal wedding.”

The Honeymoons
After their wedding, Mark and Chelsea headed __________ South Africa for a safari adventure. William and Kate’s first trip as husband and wife will be to Jordan… or Australia… or Mustique… or Isles of Scilly.

As for privacy, well that’s priceless.

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Esse casamento já está dando tanto o que falar que uma grande empresa americana contratou sósias da família real para fazer uma paródia da chegada da realeza à igreja. Você já viu?

E aqui você pode assitir à primeira entrevista oficial dos noivos reais.

The Royal Week – Part 1

O casamento real do século acontece na próxima sexta-feira e aparentemente o assunto quente da semana é a família real. Documentários sobre os casamentos falidos, os escândalos, os erros e s acertos da monarquia britânica estão por toda parte.

E é claro que nós não poderíamos ficar de fora dessa onda, não é mesmo?

Então, vamos lá! O que você sabe sobre a família real? Você conhece todos eles? O que eles fazem? Os britânicos gostam deles?

Complete o texto abaixo com uma versão da palavra entre parênteses e veja quão por dentro você está dos assuntos reais.

The British Royal Family is the group of close relatives of the monarch of the United __________(KING). The term is also commonly applied to the same group of people as the relations of the monarch in her or his role as sovereign of any of the other Commonwealth realms, thus sometimes at __________(VARY) with official national terms for the family. Members of the royal family belong to, either by birth or marriage, the House of Windsor, since 1917, when George V changed the name of the royal house from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. This decision was __________(PRIME) taken because Britain and her Empire were at war with Germany and given the British Royal Family’s strong German ancestry, it was felt that its public image could be improved by choosing a more British house name. It is __________(INTEREST) to note that the name of the aircraft which bombed London and south-east England at this time were Gotha bombers. The new name chosen, Windsor, had absolutely no __________(CONNECT) other than as the name ofthe castle which was and continues to be a royal __________(RESIDE).

Although in the United __________(KING) there is no strict legal or formal __________(DEFINE) of who is or is not a member of the Royal Family,and different lists will include different people, those carrying the style Her or His Majesty (HM), or Her or His Royal Highness (HRH) are always considered members, which usually results in the __________(APPLY) of the term to the monarch, the consort of the monarch, the widowed consorts of previous monarchs, the children of the monarch and previous monarchs, the male-line grandchildren of the monarch and previous monarchs, and the spouses and the widows of a monarch’s and previous monarch’s sons and male-line grandsons.

Members and relatives of the British Royal Family __________(HISTORY) represented the monarch in various places throughout the British Empire, sometimes for extended periods as viceroys, or for specific ceremonies or events. Today, they often perform ceremonial and social duties throughout the United __________(KING) and abroad on behalf of the UK, but, aside from the monarch, have no __________(CONSTITUTE) role in the affairs of government. This is the same for the other realms of the Commonwealth though the family there acts on behalf of, is funded by, and represents the sovereign of that particular state, and not the United __________(KING).

Public role and image

Members of the Royal Family participate in hundreds of public __________(ENGAGE) yearly throughout the whole of the entire United __________(KING), as formally recorded in the Court Circular, to honour, encourage and learn about the __________(ACHIEVE) or endeavours of individuals, __________(INSTITUTE) and enterprises in a variety of areas of life. As __________(REPRESENT) of the Queen, they often also join the nation in commemorating historical events, holidays, celebratory and tragic __________(OCCUR), and may also sponsor or participate in numerous __________(CHARITY), cultural and social activities. Their travels abroad on behalf of the UK (called State Visits when the sovereign __________(OFFICE) meets with other heads of state) draw public attention to amicable relations within and between the Commonwealth and other nations, to British goods and trade, and to Britain as a historical, vacation, and tourist __________(DESTINY). Their presence, activities and traditional roles constitute the apex of a modern “royal court,” and provide a distinctly British and historical __________(PAGEANT) to ceremonies (e.g. Trooping the Colour) and flavour to public events (e.g. Garden Parties, Ascot). Throughout their lives they draw enormous media __________(COVER) in the form of photographic, written and televised __________(COMMENT) on their activities, family relationships, rites of passage, personalities, attire, behaviour, and public roles. Senior members of the royal family often drive themselves instead of having a driver.


Members of the Royal Family carry out public duties; these individuals receive an annual payment known as a Parliamentary Annuity, the funds being supplied to cover office costs.

These amounts are repaid by The Queen from her private funds.

Though always voluntarily subject to the Value Added Tax and other indirect taxes, the Queen agreed to pay taxes on income and capital gains from 1992, although the details of this arrangement are both voluntary and secret. At the same time it was announced that only the Queen and Prince Philip would receive civil list payments. Since 1993 the Queen’s personal estate (e.g. shareholdings, personal jewellery, Sandringham House and Balmoral Castle) will be subject to Inheritance Tax, though bequests from Sovereign to Sovereign are exempt.

Para conferir suas respostas, clique aqui.

Quer saber mais sobre o que a realeza faz de verdade, sobre suas obrigações diárias? Assista ao vídeo abaixo!

Ah, e não deixe de ver o vídeo sobre as curiosidades que cercam essa família tão famosa.

Happy Easter – Part 2

No último post, deu para aprendermos um pouco mais sobre a Páscoa, lembram?

Hoje vamos falar de curiosidades ligadas a esse feriado. Leia as frases abaixo e complete-as com as palavras escondidas no caça-palavras abaixo. Boa sorte!

  • The first Easter baskets were made to look like bird’s __________.
  • The traditional act of painting __________ is called Pysanka.
  • The custom of giving eggs at Easter time has been traced back to __________, Persians, Gauls, Greeks and Romans, to whom the egg was a __________ of life.
  • In ___________ times a festival of egg-throwing was held in church, during which the priest would throw a hard-boiled egg to one of the choir boys. It was then tossed from one choir boy to the next and whoever held the egg when the __________ struck 12 was the winner and retained the egg.
  • Easter is now celebrated (in the words of the Book of Common Prayer) on the first __________ after the full moon which happens on or after March 21, the Spring Equinox.
  • Easter Bonnets are a throw back to the days when the people denied themselves the pleasure of wearing fine angels for the duration of __________.
  • Some Churches still keep up the old tradition of using ___________ – symbolic of eternal life – embroidered in red on white, or woven in straw, but most now prefer displays of flowers in the spring colours of green, __________ and white.
  • Americans celebrate Easter with a large Easter egg __________ on the White House Lawn.
  • Every year at Easter the Pope sends his ” Urbi et Orbi ” to the world.
  • The date of Passover is variable as it is dependent on the phases of the __________, and thus Easter is also a movable ___________.
  • Each Easter season, Americans buy more than 700 million Marshmallow Peeps, shaped like chicks, as well as Marshmallow Bunnies and Marshmallow Eggs, making them the most popular non-chocolate Easter candy.
  • As many as 4.2 million Marshmallow Peeps, __________, and other shapes can be made each day.
  • In 1953, it took 27 hours to create a Marshmallow Peep. Today it takes __________ minutes.
  • Yellow Peeps are the most popular, followed by pink, __________, blue, and white.
  • Hot cross __________ were among the earliest Easter treats, made by European monks and given to the poor during Lent.
  • Pretzels were originally associated with Easter. The twists of a pretzel were thought to resemble ___________ crossed in prayer
Agora sai desse computador e vai comer um pouco de chocolate! Todo mundo merece um descansinho de vez enquando!

Happy Easter – part 1

A Páscoa já está chegando!

Ovos, coelhos e muio chocolate por toda parte…

Para alguns é um feriado religioso muito importante. Para outros é uma excelente desculpa para cair de boaca no chocolate. E para você? Qual é a importância da Páscoa? Aliás, o que você sabe sobre essa data? De onde ela veio? Como é comemorada?

Para ficar por dentro de tudo, complete o texto abaixo com as palavras que estão faltando e depoisfaça o teste do vídeo lá embaixo. Boa sorte!

Easter, __________ celebrates Jesus Christ’s resurrection __________  the dead, is Christianity’s most important holiday. It has been called a moveable feast because it doesn’t fall __________  a set date every year, as most holidays do. Instead, Christian churches in the West celebrate Easter __________  the first Sunday following the full moon after the vernal equinox on March 21. Therefore, Easter is observed __________  between March 22 and April 25 every year. Orthodox Christians use the Julian calendar to calculate when Easter will occur and typically celebrate the holiday a week or two after the Western churches, __________  follow the Gregorian calendar.

The exact origins of this religious feast day’s name are unknown. __________  sources claim the word Easter is derived __________  Eostre, a Teutonic goddess of spring and fertility. Other accounts trace Easter to the Latin term hebdomada alba, or white week, an ancient reference __________  Easter week and the white clothing donned by people who were baptized during that time. __________  a translation error, the term later appeared as esostarum in Old High German, __________  eventually became Easter in English. In Spanish, Easter is known as Pascua; in French, Paques. These words are derived from the Greek and Latin Pascha or Pasch, for Passover. Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection occurred __________  he went to Jerusalem to celebrate Passover (or Pesach in Hebrew), the Jewish festival commemorating the ancient Israelites’ exodus __________  slavery in Egypt. Pascha eventually came to mean Easter.

Easter is really an entire season of the Christian church year, as opposed to a single-day observance. Lent, the 40-day period leading up to Easter Sunday, is a time __________  reflection and penance and represents the 40 days __________  Jesus spent alone in the wilderness before starting his ministry, a time in which Christians believe he survived various temptations __________  the devil. The day before Lent, known as Mardi Gras or Fat Tuesday, is a last hurrah of food and fun __________  the fasting begins. The week preceding Easter is called Holy Week and includes Maundy Thursday, which commemorates Jesus’ last supper with his disciples; Good Friday, which honors the day of his crucifixion; and Holy Saturday, __________  focuses on the transition between the crucifixion and resurrection. The 50-day period following Easter Sunday is called Eastertide and includes a celebration of Jesus’ ascension into heaven.

In addition __________  Easter’s religious significance, it also has a commercial side, as evidenced __________  the mounds of jelly beans and marshmallow chicks that appear in stores each spring. As with Christmas, __________  the centuries various folk customs and pagan traditions, including Easter eggs, bunnies, baskets and candy, have become a standard part of this holy holiday.

Para conferir suas respostas, clique aqui.

Agora vem o grande teste! Você sabe tudo de Páscoa? Check it out!

Na Sexta-Feira Santa tem mais!

Brazil weeps…

O Brasil está de luto pelo ato devastador do atirador que alvejou várias crianças em uma escola carioca. A notícia ganhou o mundo! Você viu?

Para saber mais sobre a cobertura internacional do ataque, complete o texto abaixo com as formas verbais corretas.

(Reuters) – A Brazilian gunman __________(kill) 12 children at a Rio de Janeiro school and then himself, police __________(say) on Thursday, shocking the South American nation that has never seen such an incident before.

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff __________(weep) when commenting on the incident during a speech to business leaders and requested a moment of silence for the victims.

“This type of crime is not characteristic of (our) country and therefore we are all … united in repudiating this act of violence,” Rousseff __________(say).

The attack by the 24-year-old Welington de Oliveira was the first serial killing of its kind in Brazil. Attacks similar to the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre and the 1999 Columbine High School shooting in Colorado, were unheard of in the South American nation.

“We have to show solidarity and support for the families of the children (killed by) that psychopath, that animal,” said Rio de Janeiro Governor Sergio Cabral in a press conference at the school in the Rio neighborhood of Realengo.

Police __________(say) Oliveira __________(enter) the school carrying two guns and a suicide note. Oliveira __________(tell) officials he was there to deliver a speech and then opened fire on students.

He was a former student at the school. Police said they __________(believe) he was mentally unstable, citing the content of the suicide note, which asked that “(someone) stand in front of my tomb and ask God to forgive me for what I did.”

Oliveira did not have a police record.


Marcos Silva, 11, who was in the school but was not harmed, said the experience was “like a horror movie.”

“Everyone lay down on the ground in silence, the teacher __________(ask) us not to make noise so the killer wouldn’t notice us,” Silva said “I __________(think) to myself, ‘If he comes in, we’re all going to die.'”

Two of the 13 wounded children fleeing to the street __________(called) a police patrol, which rushed to the school in response.

A police officer__________(tell) reporters he shot Oliveira in the leg after the gunman left a classroom and was attempting to reach the third floor of the building. Oliveira fell onto the stairs and shot himself in the head.

Violence in Rio has traditionally been associated with drug gangs that control vast areas of the city’s slum communities. Rio’s government has in recent months __________(make) considerable advances against narco-trafficking but crime remains a problem in the beachside tourist haven.

Crime experts __________(say) contraband firearms from police and the army often end up in the hands of criminals.

Authorities have stepped up slum pacification efforts that have created a permanent police presence in poor neighborhoods in hopes of tightening security in advance of the 2014 World Cup soccer championship and the 2016 Olympic Games.

Um ataque tão, ou talvez até mais devastador do que esse aconteceu há alguns anos nos Estados Unidos e até deu origem a um documentário. Você já assistiu? Vale a pena a reflexão!

Aurora Borealis

Depois do último post não tem como não se assustar com o poder da natureza, não é mesmo?

Mas é sempre bom lembrar que as mesmas forças naturais que destroem também nos proporcionam fenômenos verdadeiramente mágicos, como é o casa da aurora boreal.

Você conhece esse fenômeno? Provavelmente já ouviu falar, mas como explicar aquelas misturas de cores no meio da noite de países gelados? Deixa com a gente!

Olha só, o texto abaixo está incompleto e, assim como no anterior, você precisa preencher as lacunas com a forma certa das palavras entre parêntese. Boa sorte!

Aurora (astronomy)


The aurora borealis shines above Bear Lake


Red and green aurora in Fairbanks, Alaska


Northern lights with very rare blue light over Moskosel, Lapland in Sweden


Northern lights over Malmesjaur, Moskosel, Lapland, Sweden


Aurora australis in Antarctica

Aurora Timelapse.ogv

Aurora timelapse video

An aurora (plural: auroras or aurorae) is a __________(NATURE) light display in the sky, __________(PARTICULAR) in the polar regions, caused by the collision of charged particles directed by the Earth’s magnetic field. An aurora is usually observed at night and typically occurs in the ionosphere. It is also referred to as a polar aurora or, collectively, as polar lights. These phenomena are__________(COMMON) visible between 60 and 72 degrees north and south latitudes, which place them in a ring just within the Arctic and Antarctic polar circles. Auroras do occur deeper inside the polar regions, but these are infrequent and often invisible to the naked eye.

In __________(NORTH) latitudes, the effect is known as the aurora borealis (or the northern lights), named after the Roman goddess of dawn, Aurora, and the Greek name for the north wind, Boreas, by Pierre Gassendi in 1621. The chance of __________(VISIBLE) of the aurora borealis increases with proximity to the North Magnetic Pole. Auroras seen near the magnetic pole may be high overhead, but from farther away, they illuminate the __________(NORTH) horizon as a greenish glow or sometimes a faint red, as if the Sun were rising from an __________(USUAL) direction. The aurora borealis most often occurs near the equinoxes. The __________(NORTH) lights have had a number of names throughout history. The Cree call this phenomenon the “Dance of the Spirits“. In Europe, in theMiddle Ages, the auroras were commonly __________(BELIEF) a sign from God (see Wilfried Schröder, Das Phänomen des Polarlichts, Darmstadt 1984).

Its __________(SOUTH) counterpart, the aurora australis (or the southern lights), has similar properties, but is only visible from high __________(SOUTH) latitudes in Antarctica, South America, or Australasia. Australis is the Latin word for “of the South”.

Auroras can be spotted throughout the world and on other planets. They are most visible closer to the poles due to the longer periods of __________(DARK) and the magnetic field.

Auroral mechanism

Auroras result from __________(EMIT) of photons in the Earth’s upper atmosphere, above 80 km (50 miles), from __________(ION) nitrogen atoms regaining an electron, and oxygen and nitrogen atoms returning from an __________(EXCITEMENT) state to ground state. They are __________(ION) orexcited by the collision of solar wind particles being funneled down and accelerated along the Earth’s magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon of light, or by collision with another atom or molecule:

oxygen emissions 

Green or brownish-red, __________(DEPEND) on the amount of energy absorbed.
nitrogen emissions
Blue or red. Blue if the atom regains an electron after it has been ionized. Red if returning to ground state from an excited state.

Oxygen is __________(USE) in terms of its return to ground state: it can take three quarters of a second to emit green light and up to two minutes to emit red. Collisions with other atoms or molecules will absorb the __________(EXCITE) energy and prevent emission. The very top of the atmosphere is both a higher percentage of oxygen, and so thin that such collisions are rare enough to allow time for oxygen to emit red. Collisions become more frequent progressing down into the atmosphere, so that red emissions do not have time to happen, and __________(EVENT) even green light__________(EMIT) are prevented.

This is why there is a colour __________(DIFFERENCE) with altitude; at high altitude oxygen red dominates, then oxygen green and nitrogen blue/red, then finally nitrogen blue/red when collisions prevent oxygen from emitting anything. Green is the most common of all auroras. Behind it is pink, a mixture of light green and red, followed by pure red, yellow (a mixture of red and green), and lastly pure blue.


A predominantly red aurora australis

Auroras are associated with the solar wind, a flow of ions __________(CONTINUE) flowing outward from the Sun. The Earth’s magnetic field traps these particles, many of which travel toward the poles where they are accelerated toward Earth. Collisions between these ions and atmospheric atoms and molecules cause energy releases in the form of auroras appearing in large circles around the poles. Auroras are more frequent and brighter during the intense phase of the solar cycle when coronal mass ejectionsincrease the __________(INTENSE) of the solar wind.[3] Seen from space, these fiery curtains form a thin ring in the shape of a monk’s tonsure.

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